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Open Source: Cassandra Super Columns to Composite Columns Migrator

If you’ve been following Cassandra’s development, you’ll know that its made huge progress in the last two years. My company first start using Cassandra v0.8.x, and the latest stable version is now v1.2.3.

One of the major changes was adding support for composite columns. In DataStax words, “composite comparators can be thought of simply as a comparator composed of several other types of comparators.” Since introduction of composite columns in v1.0, there’s been a trend to slowly fade out super columns in favor of composite columns. Cassandra itself is refactoring supercolumns to use composites under-the-hood in v2.0.

So when my company upgraded to v1.0, I wrote a little tool to migrate our data from using super columns to use composite columns instead. This was about a year ago, but I wanted to announce I’ve open sourced it on Github. Better late than never, right?

Grab the source and try it yourself **.

** Disclaimer: I waive all responsibility for your use of this code. Think twice before using it on a large production dataset.

Posted in News.

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